veritas in Saxony-Anhalt
Counseling center for victims of conspiracy narratives
Confidential and free counseling
The counseling center veritas would like to support people in Saxony-Anhalt who are exposed to acute stress by conspiracy-believing persons in their environment to find an adequate way to deal with this pressure of suffering. The counseling is confidential, free of charge and can be taken up as telephone, mail and online counseling or in the premises of the counseling center in Saxony-Anhalt. The Berlin counseling center of veritas is no longer funded by cultures interactive e.V. since the beginning of 2023.
Contact point for family members, pedagogical professionals and affected persons
Especially family members, but also professionals (teachers, youth workers, social workers, etc.) who live and work with conspiracy-believing people in their daily lives are given a direct contact point to help them cope better with this life situation. The employees of the counseling center work systemically, solution- and resource-oriented.
Training and support for pedagogical professionals
In addition to counseling families and the environment of people who believe in conspiracies, we also offer support as well as training and workshops for schools and for professionals in child and youth welfare in whose everyday life - whether clients or colleagues - conspiracy narratives play a role. Conspiracy narratives are widespread in society and can pose a threat to democracy.
Project duration
01.07.2022 until 31.12.2023