Summer School 2019

Creative, critical, approachable

Youth cultural work and political education between prevention and intervention

In cooperation with the German Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung cultures interactive e.V. organized in 2019 for the second time a Summer School for educational professionals and multipliers from youth (cultural) work, political education and prevention. Together with different actors, we discussed current challenges of youth work in the context of strengthening democracy and diversity. In each case, a special focus topic - narrative-biographical approaches to political education and prevention; distancing work; cross-phenomena political education - was examined in more detail on one day.

Summer School in July/August 2019 at the Anne Frank Haus Oldau (Lower Saxony)

For this purpose, the day began in the forum with a general thematic introduction, then colleagues from different institutions and projects gave in-depth insights into the day's topics in workshops. In addition to this approach- and project-related offer, practical workshops on youth cultures and media took place from Tuesday to Thursday. In addition, two method workshops offered the opportunity to practice and try out methods. Questions of quality assurance as well as strategies of effective networking in times of dynamic youth (association) work could be discussed in two dialog forums.

Our partner in Lower Saxony

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