Fachstelle Rechtsextremismusprävention (Center for the Prevention of Right-Wing Extremism)

Consulting, training and exchange for pedagogical professionals

The Center for the Prevention of Right-Wing Extremism (Fachstelle Rechtsextremismusprävention / fa:rp) offers consulting and advanced training for professionals in youth (social) work and train-the-trainer qualifications for political educators and team members in distancing work. In addition, it strengthens the exchange between different actors involved in right-wing extremism, documents relevant youth cultural phenomena and examines new approaches in prevention and (outreach) distancing work. You can find detailed information and the services offered by the specialized unit on the fa:rp homepage.

Taking up new challenges posed by right-wing extremism

Cultures Interactive e.V. is one of the five partners of the Competence Network for Prevention of Right-Wing Extremism (KompRex) and is also responsible for establishing the Center for the Prevention of Right-Wing Extremism (Fachstelle Rechtsextremismusprävention / fa:rp) within this framework. Funded by the federal program Demokratie leben!, Cultures Interactive e.V. works together with the Amadeu-Antonio-Stiftung, the BAG Kirche und Rechtsextremismus, the association Gesicht Zeigen! and the LidiceHaus educational center to take up new challenges posed by right-wing extremism and group-related hostility towards people in the field of youth work and to further develop nationwide prevention there.

The Partners

Bundesarbeitgemeinschaft Kirche und Rechtsextremismus (BAG K+R)
cultures interactive e.V.
Gesicht Zeigen!

Lidice Haus

More about our partners on kompetenznetzwerk-rechtsextremismuspraevention.de.

Project duration

2020 - 2024
