Cross-phenomenal political (youth culture) education
The PHÄNO_cultures project aims to test novel approaches and models of cross-phenomenon prevention work. Ideas and expressions of inequality, which are either religiously, ethnically, ethnically or culturally based and are increasingly finding their way into semi-public discourses, have so far generally been negotiated in different prevention offers. For some groups and settings, however, a phenomenon-open approach can be advantageous. At the content level, comparative youth culture and media-based political education is a good idea. For example, with regard to anti-democratic content and recruitment strategies through social media, internet, film and music production by extreme right-wing and Islamist organizations.
In PHÄNO_cultures, a specially composed and qualified team aims to discuss and critically examine attitudes that refer to religiously based or extreme right-wing ideologies with young people.
Cultures interactive e.V. is expanding its youth culture approach both methodically and in terms of personnel, in order to offer decidedly cross-phenomenon extremism prevention in schools and youth clubs.
The main objectives of the project are firstly (1) to strengthen democratic and human rights attitudes among adolescents in general and among those who feel addressed by right-wing extremist or Islamist-based ideologies, media content and groups or who grow up in a corresponding environment. And secondly (2) to contribute to a greater understanding and social integration of girls with Muslim background, including those who are fascinated by extremely religious ideas, by means of suitable girl specific formats of youth cultural political education.
To this end, (1) formats of cross-phenomenal political education for primary prevention are being developed through school project days and tested in six federal states at various schools. And (2) long-term discussion workshops for work in girls' groups at school or in youth facilities are being developed and implemented in Berlin. In addition to a project evaluation, a practice/science advisory board will accompany the project process and the results.
PHÄNO_School project days
From autumn 2018, we will offer formats for school project days with up to 100 pupils nationwide via the PHÄNO_Cultures model project. New methods of political education oriented towards the world of life and youth culture will be applied with one or more classes (8th - 10th grade) at regular or high schools, elementary schools and upper school centers. Open discussion of topics is central to the program. Young people can engage in these discussions regarding topics such as social justice, democracy and participation for all, gender justice for women and men, current domestic and foreign policy issues (situation of refugees, war in their countries of origin, anti-Muslim racism, alleged discrimination against "Germans"). These talks are stimulated and moderated by political educators and youth cultural actors using various interactive methods. In order to facilitate a change of perspective for young people, the PHÄNO_cultures team works with examples of youth cultural emancipation movements from various countries such as Afghanistan, Egypt, Syria, Tunisia and others. In addition, recruitment strategies via the internet and social media by extreme right-wing and Islamist movements are discussed and critically reflected in comparison. In practical workshops such as YouTube, rap, graffiti, etc., young people acquire the skills they need to critically counteract the appropriation of youth culture by extremists and the spread of inhuman attitudes.
"GiHip" girl groups
In discussion workshops, hip hop will be used to examine the perspective of and with girls in the context of Islam and the "West" with regard to similarities and differences. Text and image examples or video messages from hip hop protagonists from the Middle East and North Africa as well as from protagonists who situate themselves as Muslims will be systematically selected for methodical processing. The content of these examples should deal with personal stories in regards to social and political developments in the above-mentioned countries, but also with the life of Muslim women in Germany and Europe.