In two projects we can currently offer counseling: The Fachstelle Rechtsextremismusprävention (fa:rp) provides help and support in dealing with various phenomena of right-wing extremism. The veritas counseling center, on the other hand, addresses those affected by conspiracy narratives.
Youth cultural workshops
We are convinced that we can promote democratic and human rights action with youth cultural approaches and creatively practiced youth cultures.
Further education
Cultures Interactive offers further education for professionals from schools, universities, administration, youth and social work.
Summer School
Every summer cultures interactive holds a Summer School for educators and multipliers from youth work, political education and youth cultural education. Together, we educate ourselves on topics related to youth (cultural) work, prevention of group-based hostility and right-wing extremism.
In order to disseminate and anchor civic youth culture work, we train suitable multipliers, especially from youth cultures, in train-the-trainer qualifications or provide them with professional support.