fa:ve – Prevention and Civic Education on Conspiracy Narratives [Fachstelle Verschwörungserzählungen]

Analog and digital training and workshop formats in youth and adult education

Whether at a family party, with friends or at work - many people feel overwhelmed when conspiracy narratives are used as arguments. This makes it all the more important to find a constructive way of dealing with conspiracy narratives. In pedagogical contexts, it is useful to analyze and understand the effects and functions of conspiracy narratives. We would like to support pedagogical specialists and political educators with further education and (online) workshops on conspiracy narratives in youth and adult education.

Thematic selection

Depending on the format of the workshop, different contents can be developed in addition to the definition of conspiracy narratives and their characteristics. An exemplary selection:

  • History of conspiracy narratives
  • Social psychological effects of conspiracy narratives
  • Influence of social media on the spread of conspiracy narratives
  • In-depth studies in the areas of anti-Semitism, right-wing extremism, disinformation
  • Pedagogical handling of conspiracy narratives and narrators
  • Issues of child well-being in the context of conspiracy narratives

Working method

We strive for an appreciative and error-friendly working atmosphere in which questions and uncertainties have room. A basic attitude critical of discrimination is equally important to us. Depending on the format, the content-related examination of conspiracy [narratives] is deepened in various analog or digital interactive elements. The target group-specific linking to the previous knowledge or work experience of the participants is central for us.

Target group

Pedagogical experts, political educators, multipliers from youth (social) work, youth associations and youth welfare, school classes and teachers, volunteers.


Our workshops are designed and conducted by the social psychologist Jana Schneider in cooperation with multipliers trained by us in the subject area.


We offer both analog and digital workshop formats and are happy to come to your facility for this purpose. In the event that we are unable to hold workshops in person due to the pandemic, these can usually be converted to online courses. In the digital workshops, we work with Zoom software.

Time frame

We agree the duration of the training with you in advance. Regardless of whether you prefer a two-hour workshop or a training course spread over three days, we will be happy to support you in your project.


The training courses are funded by the German Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung and are therefore free of charge. However, fees may be charged if a multiplier trained by us is involved in the conception and implementation of a workshop.

Request for a workshop

If you are interested in a workshop or training, please send us an email with your wishes regarding format, duration, content and venue to bildung@veritas-beratung.de. Is there anything we should know regarding you or your work? Then feel free to let us know. All information will of course be treated confidentially.


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