Gender-based prevention of racism and group-focused enmity
"Fair*In - Gender Reflective Racism Prevention" aimed to reduce racist as well as (hetero-)sexist and homophobic attitudes among young people. Particular importance was attached to the realization that these are often present not only on a cognitive but also on an affective level. For this reason, the project specifically aimed to work on corresponding affective attitudes, which are particularly evident in connection with perceived or real fears and insecurities in the context of refugee movements to Germany. The gender dimension is given special attention here because gender-stereotyping and sexist attitudes are often closely interwoven with racist and other pejorative thought patterns.
In dealing with these phenomena, Fair*in focused on moderated encounter formats between young people who grew up in Germany and refugees, in which racist, sexist and other discriminatory attitudes could be irritated and reduced through a change of perspective and mutual acquaintance, as well as on anchoring these measures in the community.
The project process
Fair*in developed and tested formats of gender-reflective youth cultural work in Brandenburg and Lower Saxony in order to make them usable in other regions after an evaluation. The project included the following steps and measures:
- In cooperation with local actors, a situation analysis on racism, the situation and inclusion of (young) refugees as well as the existing resources, offers and needs for gender-reflective treatment of racism and phenomena of group-related misanthropy in schools and youth work or assistance was first prepared in both model regions.
- Based on this, the colleagues of the project developed methods and formats of gender-reflective racism prevention with special consideration of the topics of flight, asylum, migration and inclusion that were particularly relevant during the project period.
- Subsequently, these methods and formats - including workshops and encounter formats related to youth culture and lifeworlds (both gender-specific and in mixed groups) as well as impulse project days and longer-term narrative discussion groups based on them - were tested in schools and youth facilities in the two model regions.
- These measures with the target group of young people were flanked by training courses for professionals and volunteers as well as optional round tables for topic-specific exchange between actors from different areas of the community.
- As a result of this phase, tested formats and a method manual for the gender-reflective prevention of racism and the strengthening of human rights-oriented attitudes were developed, which were transferred to other regions in the further course of the project.
- The project also aimed at an exchange of expertise and methods with German and European colleagues on the prevention of EU-wide racism and other phenomena of group-related hostility towards people as well as right-wing extremism in cooperation with CI's European partners.
Frankfurt (Oder) in Brandenburg
Vechta in Lower Saxony
Project duration
1.9.2016 - 31.12.2019