Our counseling services

In several projects we can currently offer counseling on various topics and phenomena as well as for different addressees: The Fachstelle für Rechtsextremismusprävention (fa:rp) provides help and support in dealing with various phenomena of right-wing extremism. It counsels and accompanies institutions and professionals in youth welfare and schools throughout Germany. It also advises other multipliers on prevention measures and pedagogical interventions. The veritas counseling center, on the other hand, addresses those affected by conspiracy narratives in Saxony-Anhalt. In addition to environmental counseling for people who believe in conspiracies, veritas offers counseling for professionals in child and youth welfare on issues of child welfare. The AJuB project, in turn, identifies procedures and methods of youth counseling.
fa:rp: Prevention of and pedagogical intervention in right-wing extremist phenomena
The Fachstelle Rechtsextremismusprävention (fa:rp) provides counseling on all youth welfare and school-related matters concerning right-wing extremism and accompanies further processes of pedagogical prevention and intervention practice. By telephone, e-mail and online, the staff of the specialist unit will discuss your concerns with you and work with you to identify suitable preventive and interventive steps for action. If necessary, they can also recommend other suitable offices in your area and provide materials for dealing with inhuman and anti-democratic attitudes. The counseling is free of charge.
You can reach the specialist office by e-mail at kontakt@farp.online. You can find the entire range of services offered by the Fachstelle at farp.online.
veritas in Saxony-Anhalt: Support for the environment of people who believe in conspiracies
Do you feel burdened because people in your environment are spreading conspiracy narratives? veritas - the counseling center for those affected by conspiracy narratives - offers free, confidential, individual case-oriented and, if necessary, anonymous counseling in these cases. The counseling can take place by telephone, e-mail, a secure video tool, or in veritas' counseling rooms in Saxony-Anhalt. In this way, veritas aims to alleviate the suffering of those affected and, under certain circumstances, to enable them to re-establish a relationship with the person concerned. In addition to counseling families and the environment of people who believe in conspiracies, veritas also supports professionals in whose everyday life - whether with clients or colleagues - conspiracy narratives play a role. In addition, the counseling center can be contacted by teachers and school social workers who notice changes in everyday school life. You can reach the counseling center by e-mail at sachsen-anhalt@veritas-beratung.de. You can learn more about the work of veritas at veritas-beratung.de/counseling.html.
Outreach (environment) counseling for young people (AJuB)
The exploratory project Outreach (Environment) Counseling for Youth (AJuB) identifies procedures and methods of youth counseling by means of which children and youth in their local living environments can be supported in developing good and development-promoting effects on each other, in behaving as favorably as possible in the face of intimidation, bullying and misanthropy, and ultimately in strengthening the human rights and solidarity motives of communal coexistence. This outreach (environment) counseling for young people should prove its worth especially in structurally weak, high-risk social areas.
Methods and concepts for counseling
In addition to counseling services, cultures interactive e.V. is also developing methods and concepts for counseling in various projects. Together with various partners, the association has therefore written an orientation guide on questions of child welfare in anti-democratic and fundamentalist parental homes. Furthermore, the Center for the Prevention of Right-Wing Extremism has published a legal expertise on constitutional, social and data protection issues in political education and extremism prevention. A methods textbook published together with the German Interdisziplinäres Zentrum für Radikalisierungsprävention und Demokratieförderung (IZRD) offers support for (prospective) counsellors in the field of religiously motivated extremism. In addition, cultures interactive e.V. has tested low-threshold offers of outreach counseling in anti-democratic environments in the projects PONS! and AJuB.