Exchange – Strengthen – Network
Within the framework of CHAMPIONs, cultures interactive offered a series of advanced training courses for youth work practitioners on the topics of group-focused enmity and prevention of radicalisation. The focus of the training was on methodology, networking and exchange between the participants. The aim of this training series was, among other things, to expand capacities, promote self-reflective and self-empowering processes and enhance the skill to change perspective. The specific needs and challenges of the practitioners from different local regions were the main emphasis of this training series, which is why it is structured in and open-process manner.
Module 1: Reflecting Team (March 13th - 14th, 2020)
On March 13th and 14th, the successful kick-off of our Hako_ReJu+ training series started, despite the new challenges of the Covid-19 pandemic. In a smaller group of participants, the workshop leaders from cultures interactive introduced mediation approaches. With the help of self-reflective exercises, ways of dealing with conflicts were developed together, which can be carried forward into the respective field of work of the participants.
Module 2: Advocacy (June 12th - 13th, 2020)
At our last module on June 12th and 13th, we could all meet in 'real-life' and spent the Saturday together in the beautiful garden of the youth club 'DIE MANEGE' in Neukölln, Berlin. During these two days we had an intense exchange about challenges and chances of advocacy work in regards to our own work. We repeatedly became aware of the great need to create common alliances and also talked about possible pitfalls of networking and how to avoid them.
The insight of the module: Creating alliances is challenging, but its worth it - Let's organize! We are looking forward to the next module with you.
Module 3: Online Radicalization (July 17th - 18th, 2020)
The focus of the 3rd module was on a particularly current challenge in youth work: right-wing extremist online offerings and how to deal with them. We worked on ways to strengthen the media competence of young people and exchanged ideas about opportunities for youth-cultural prevention work online. With so much experience and knowledge in the room, the time flew by. Thank you for the exciting and informative two days!
Module 4: Opportunities and limits of our own work (September 11th - 13th, 2020)
In our preliminary final module, we ventured a look back at the past modules and what we had learned in them. In addition, we focused on the topic of “peer consultation”. With the help of an exercise, the participants independently developed tools and strategies for collegial reflection and support. Strengthened by the strong and welcoming atmosphere in the group, we offered the participants a small additional module on the topic of "community organizing".
Module 5 (Additional): Community Organizing (December 5th, 2020)
With the forced shift of the 5th module to the online sphere, we conducted a workshop on the topic of sustainable citizen participation on December 5th. In an exercise, the participants themselves were put in the position of "community organizers" and were able to use all their existing and newly acquired knowledge. It was the perfect ending for this year’s training series – contacts were exchanged and sustainable connections were made.