
Concept Paper: Polarisation, Violent Extremism and Resilience in Europe today: An analytical framework

This paper aims to conduct a systematic and critical review of contemporary literature dealing with processes of polarisation and the role they play in creating a matrix of adversities that can lead to increased vulnerability, to what is often termed ‘violent extremism’. It also reviews the potential impact of practices that are understood as building pro-social resilience to such adversities. Through a wide- ranging review, considering studies and practice on polarisation and ‘violent extremism’, the authors aim to identify a schema of what are broadly conceptualised as vulnerabilities – factors, operating on macro, meso and micro levels, which may either increase or decrease the likelihood that communities become fragmented and polarised within a European context.

An Ethical Code of Conduct for Social Media developers

This guide will help to inform social media developers and users, as well as counter-extremism practitioners, of how social media can be used to foster resilience against extremism. It will outline contemporary research publications and findings from the BRaVE project to explore how online spaces are stoking radicalisation through allowing the spread of alarmist narratives and disinformation, as well as using algorithms to create an ‘echo chamber’ effect which mainstreams extremist and violent narratives. This guide will support educators and developers to shape online social media spaces against violent narratives, extremism and disinformation.

Discussion Papers on the Causes of Violent Extremism

Several discussion papers will be released throughout the lifespan of the BRaVE Project, which seeks to understand the causes of violent extremism. These will delve into the different factors that contribute towards violent extremism – socioeconomic, cultural, historical and network-related factors. The research will be developed by the consortium throughout the course of the research project.

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