Summer School 2020

Recognizing phenomena. Shaping relationships. Act (digitally)?

Online Summer School on current challenges of youth work and prevention of right-wing extremism

Like so many events in 2020, cultures interactive's third Summer School had to move into the digital sphere. Not an easy task at first, since the Summer School is also intended for exchange and networking. But we succeeded: From our "studio" in Berlin, we held an online Summer School on a total of four days from July 13 to August 1, entitled "Recognizing Phenomena. Shaping Relationships. Act (Digitally)? Current challenges of youth work and prevention of right-wing extremism".

35 participants and our speakers joined us from all over Germany and even from Austria. Each seminar day started in the large group with an online lecture and exchange on a daily focus topic. Afterwards, the participants had the opportunity to deepen individual aspects in three parallel online seminars. Afterwards, the participants returned to the large group to discuss the results of the individual online seminars.

This year, the focus was once again on current challenges in youth, education, and prevention work: Among other things, our Online Summer School dealt with the tense relationship between online and offline offerings, the phenomena and manifestations of (extreme) right-wing mobilization, bonding and relationships as the foundations of pedagogical and political education work, as well as digital possibilities for action in youth and prevention work. There was even a closing party: a live DJ set combined with a virtual visit to youth cultural locations in Jena. Despite the physical distance, there was also room for intensive exchange and joint networking at this year's Summer School. For one participant, the online format made participation possible in the first place.

We thank all participants, speakers and sponsors!

The program of the Summer School 2020


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