fa:ve – Prevention and Civic Education on Conspiracy Narratives [Fachstelle Verschwörungserzählungen]

Training and workshops on dealing with conspiracy narratives

Conspiracy narratives have probably always existed. But especially since the beginning of the Corona pandemic, they present us with great social challenges. Social workers and adult educators are also repeatedly confronted with conspiracy narratives in their work. Since September 2021, cultures interactive e.V. has therefore been offering a certification course on dealing with conspiracy narratives for educational professionals. Participants will learn about the history of conspiracy narratives, their psychological impact, links to right-wing extremism, anti-Semitism, and disinformation.

For a strong cooperation against conspiracy narratives cultures interactive e.V. also organizes a network of pedagogical experts against conspiracy narratives. The goals of the network are interdisciplinary exchange and collegial learning. In addition, cultures interactive e.V. offers various training courses and (online) workshops. From the three-hour basic training to the three-day training series, many different formats are possible - contact us. We will coordinate the content and framework with you according to your needs.


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