fa:ve – Prevention and Civic Education on Conspiracy Narratives [Fachstelle Verschwörungserzählungen]

Certified further education as a multiplier in youth (social) work and adult education on conspiracy narratives

Advanced training in six modules from september 2023 to April 2024

Recent years show that in times of crisis, people often resort to conspiracy narratives to explain the complex events and changing dynamics. New crises are therefore accompanied by new conspiratorial narratives. The mode of function and effect of conspiracy narratives, however, remains essentially the same. Because conspiracy narratives are often connectable to ideologies that are hostile to people, they can serve as radicalization accelerators and pose a threat to democratic societies.

In order to be able to react adequately and professionally to the spread of conspiracy belief, both its societal and its political and sociopsychological dimensions must be taken into account. For social workers and adult educators, too, it is becoming increasingly important to have a sound knowledge of the structure and current manifestations of conspiracy narratives, as well as knowledge of specific pedagogical challenges and the resulting possibilities for action in this field.

The contents of the continuing education 2023/2024

  • Deepening in the areas of anti-Semitism, anti-feminism, queer hostility, right-wing extremism and disinformation
  • Focus on various current manifestations and topics, for example in the context of climate change, war, migration, and esotericism
  • History of conspiracy narratives
  • Socialpsychological effects of conspiracy narratives
  • Pedagogical handling of conspiracy narratives and narrators
  • Presentation, testing and reflection of methods
  • Self-reflection and further development of the professional attitude
  • Collegial exchange and networking

Working method

We strive for an appreciative and error-friendly working atmosphere in which questions and uncertainties have room. A basic attitude critical of discrimination is equally important to us.

The goal of the training is a content-related as well as methodical examination of the complex of topics. To achieve this, we work with a combination of inputs, group work and various (analog and digital) methods. The connection to the respective work experiences of the participants is central for us.

Target audience

Pedagogical professionals, political educators, multipliers from youth (social) work and youth welfare services

Further training as a multiplier

The training should enable the participants to train people in their region to deal with conspiracy narratives in youth work and adult education. In addition to imparting knowledge about conspiracy narratives, we will therefore also try out methods together that are suitable for the further training of adults in this subject area.


1st module: September 5-7, 2023 (in Berlin)
2nd module: October 13-14, 2023 (in Berlin)
3rd module: November 16-17, 2023 (online)
4th module: January 18/19, 2024 (online)
Methods workshop (optional): February 23, 2024 (online)
5th module: March 7/8, 2024 (online)
6th module: April 22 (online) and April 26/27, 2024 (in Berlin)


Modules 1, 2 and 6 are planned as face-to-face modules in Berlin. In the digital modules we work with the software Zoom.


The participation fee is 300,00€ (reduction possible). Travel and accommodation costs to the attendance modules in Berlin will be covered in accordance with the German Federal Travel Costs Act.


All participants will receive a certificate of participation. In order to receive certification from the German Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung, participants must submit a concept for a practical module and present a method from it.


The 2023/2024 certification course is already fully enrolled. If you are interested in further training or workshops on conspiracy narratives, please feel free to send us an email to fave@cultures-interactive.de.


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